Oct 17, 2009

Late night blog post

hey fellas!

gila, dah kaga blogging brapa lama gw? kelewat *sok* sibuk kali ya? haha
daripada gw cerita apa yang terjadi beberapa bulan ini, mending dari minggu ini aja ye? I'm planning to blog weekly, but you know I never had plans that really work in my favor lol

so, school.
.....blegh.... the only subject I don't really connect to is math.

..yes, math which I used to like when the teacher was great.
I did write about that pinoy teacher in my last post idn't I? argh

ooh, and I'm in a band now.
mendadak banget gw diajakinnya. 2 minggu lalu gw diajakin masuk gara2 gitaris yang satu takut ga bisa ngejar. jadi... ya gitu lah, as they say, the rest is history.
untung gw dah kenal amayang laen, jadi chemistrynya (bukan, bukan yang nyampur bahan2 bau dan bisa blegar) dapet.
sibuukk!!!!!!! noh baru selesai take part gitar ama bass tadi pagi. sumpah stressssssss
....tap seru. haha apadah gw

sumpa ngantuk.... tuh, kata 'sumpah'nya aja kaga kena huruf 'h'nya.
dah ah tidur, nite fellas

Aug 9, 2009


Haven't blogged in like... how long? long enough to make me feel fatter and more frustrated than EVER!!!! blegh

a lot has happened. new class, new friends, that "I-don't-know-anyone-yet-makes-me-feel-lonely" kind of feeling at the start of a new year, money wasting, watched cool movies, broke my own smoking record, new *cough*cute*cough* girl in school that's in the same bus as me, juniors who don't really know their place (like what we used to be when we're still juniors) etc

so yeah, life has been crazy as always.

what do I want to talk about anyway? meh, whatever comes first in these fingers, I'll type'em. even if they sound absurd and stupid.

so, first thing's first : school
with Mrs. Lily gone to simprug, the new principal looks like a tool
...well he looked that way at first, but he's just shy and not as outgoing as mrs. Lily.
next, the vice principal. remember dolores umbridge from Harry Potter? well, in a way, she's like that. but lately, I think she's just way too strict.
what's worst this year is that our school is being overrun by Filipinos!!! (no offense, seriously, I don't hate them or anything) but most of our filipino teacher are incompetent!!!! except some extremely lovable teacher. example, last year, we got a gay history teacher who can't teach, and gives out answers on tests to the students. now, we got a not-so-gay-but-really-sissy math teacher who can't teach but blames his incompetency on his students!!! not to mention he's an unbelievable HYPOCRITE!!! did I mention that he can't teach? aaarrrgggghhhhh I seriously hate that guy.

well, off the depressing stuff, my class is fun. nice kids, cool class advisor, lotsa photographers, cute new kid (I'm just saying that she's cute, no feelings whatsoever) blablablalbla

guess that's it, nothing else to tell you.

oh yeah, we've got a new hangout spot in front of the school.

WARTEG!!!! ahahahaha

and teraskota too of course.

ooh, and I'm listening to Dance Gavin Dance, Mew, and The Trees And The Wild
they are amazing!!! recommended all the way!!!!!!!!

well, I intended a short post but whatever. that's what you get for not blogging too long.


Jul 8, 2009

How 5 days cured my insomnia

As you all know (sotoy), I went on a little photo hunting trip with mum and Sarah (my sister) to her hometown, Kudus (while visiting my grandma), and Semarang.

gila, capek banget gw 5 hari, tapi puas banget.

dan gw naek 2 kilo *jeng jeng jeng jeng!!*

places we visit:
menara kudus: isinya menara jam, makam sunan kudus, mesjid, dan sekumpulan orang paling rasis yang ada di kudus (for one thing, I hate racist bi*ches more than anything, even more than know-it-alls). lumayan tempatnya, sayang terang banget, dan gw ga bawa tripod (yea, that's stuid of me)
Museum Kretek: a paradise for smokers! satu2nya yang kurang disini: mereka ga jual rokok. (-___-) lumayan lah buat pengetahuan tambahan. dan gw baru tau, nenek moyang gw dan teman2nya tu penyebab kebanyakan orang di Indonesia merokok.
...lho kok gitu dri?
iye, mreka yg pertama kali bikin pabrik rokok di Jawa.
....kren kan? hehehe
no wonder the habit runs in the family lol

next, kita ke semarang. nginep di hotel horison slama 2 malem. di kudus juga 2 malem.
di semarang kita ke Gedong Songo, Museum Kereta Api, Mesjid agung, gereja gedongan, Gereja Blendug, Lawang Sewu, Klenteng apa gitu, dan gang salak. tempat fav gw: Pagoda Alokithesvara.

di gedong songo, ada 9 candi. cuman gw cman naek ampe ke3, maklum, tempatnya ah ga enak, ama gw ngehemat batere (alesan lo dri bilang aja dah capek lol)
terus kita ke museum kereta api. tempatnya gitu2 aja, cuman ada kereta yang bisa dinaekin jalan keliling gitu sejam. kayanya ih seru, cuman gw ga dapet tempat duduk *you don't know how ignorant and unpolite some people can be just to get what they want.. (grumbles)*
abis itu kita ke pagoda.
....and here in this place my luck turns back and kicked my ass
dari semua tempat, kenapa, I repeat, KENAPA BATERE KAMERA GW ABIS????? GAH $%^#^%^@(*#&$^#
padahal, pas itu lagi sore, lagi bagus banget light-nya. sumpah, nyesel ga charge batere gw. gah
......untung nyokap bilang besok ke situ lagi pas malem (dan gw emang berniat kesitu pas malem, dibalik setiap hujan, ada pelangi dibelakangnya (halah sok puitis lo dri haha))
after that we went back to the hotel to rest and stuff. I went to the bar to have some drink and smoke. and I travelled back and forth between malls. and went to the rooftop. got some amazing shots here.

the next morning, kita ke mesjid agung. dari segi arkitektur, mesjid ini emang sumpah kren. ada sky towernya lagi kaya carlsberg tower di singapore. mesjid merangkup tempat wisata. hehehehe
abis itu keliling kota lama kita. gw dapet banyak shot gereja bagus, indoor and outdoor.
lanjut ke lawang sewu, tempat paling terkenal di semarang.
"lawang sewu" atau thousand doors, atau pintu seribu, atau... err... ga tau lagi deng, tu gedung bekas kantor kereta belanda. tapi pas jepang kesini dijadiin kantor plus penjara plus torturing place mreka. makanya pas harry panci..err..panca ke situ di dunia laen horor banget

who're you gonna call? HARRY PANTJA!!!

back to the topic....
ga nyangka gw di lawang sewu ada stain glass window segede gajah! sumpah kern banget dah. perfect for a shillouette shot.
sebenernya kalo kita rame2 lawang sewu ga serem. being alone, well that's another story...
ampe dungeonnya gitu rame banget dah. wew.. tapi banyak shot bagus juga disini. ada toilet kunonya, busetdah, gaul haha

next we went to some chinese temples. did some cool shots, meet some cute girls, blablabla
after that we went back to the hotel. I drank and smoke again, and waited fer grandpa to show up at the hotel. after that, kita balik lagi ke pagoda itu

...and My God, the night sky was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!
we came at the right time and at the right moment (okay, that doesn't sound right somehow)
bulannya lagi terang2nya dikelilingi awan, terus pagodanya juga lampunya nyala gitu, beuh mantep banget dah sumpahhhhhh......


look, and comment.
see the entire photostream : http://www.flickr.com/photos/iamahappysponge/

well, I guess that's about it.
I'm listening to "Monuments and Melodies" by Incubus. very cool hits compilation. and I'm reading "Fragile Things" by Neil Gaiman. very very good read.

now I need to rest my head... seriously sleepy

nite people...

Jun 26, 2009

How half of my holiday was, and how I'm gonna spend the remaining days of it

long time no see peeps!!!
how didcha miss meh???? *krik krik krik*

gw sadar dah sekian abad gw ga posting, yg diakibatkan oleh:
1. mood nganggur liburan yg mengakibatkan gw ga niat ngapa2in
2. banyaknya ajakan pergi dari tmen
3. ga ada pr sama skali (biasanya blogging buat alasan prokastinasi PR numpuk)
4. gw dah blank ampe nomer 3

stngah liburan ini gw habiskan dengan brutal dan ga produktif

tanggal 12 ke pim bareng tmen, ntn, makan, blablabla yg ngabisin duit
snennya ke tebet, bloop endorse ngadain sale 70% (gmana ga menggoda) di dpannya gitu, gw diajak tmen gw pergi ksitu shopping, ngabisin duit lagi, tapi dapet barang2 kren nyahahaha
bis itu slasanya ke sms ntn lagi bareng tmen ex-10F, minum, makan, ngabisin duit lagi
rebonya BBQan, sblumnya ngopi dulu ke dunkin donuts, ngabisin duit lagi
snen ini ke pim lagi, ntn street fighter (yg mnurut gw biasa aja pelmnya, walau lumayan seru) makan, ke spazio yg BNER BNER ngabisin duit gw, tapi seru.

intinya, this is the most wasteful but fun holiday I ever had until this moment.
brutal banget pengeluaran gw liburan ini.
belom minggu dpan ntn transformers (ya, gw blom nonton *hix*) ke pim LAGI!!!! ngabisin duit lagi
untungnya minggu dpan gw dah gajian, jadi lbih santai dikit lah rekening gw. haha

gw pengen nonton transformers cpet2
seeeeriously, ASAP.

aslinya snen rencana mo ntn, tapi si WAWAH perlu ngurus ijin migrasinya, to ga di deportasi.
untung gw dah knal dia slama 13 taun. jadi rela gw nungguin ampe rebo. bzzzzzzzzzt
gw jadi ngebayangin kalo dianya ngebelain senen nonton trus bsoknya dideportasi gimana

Wawah(W):ah.. transformers seru ya...
Petugas Migrasi Yang Tampangnya Ngocol(PMYTN):HEH KAMU!!!! (kbtulan orangnya batak, jadi sangar)
W:err... i-iya pak ada apa malam2 bgini?
PMYTN: kenapa kamu tidak memperpanjang ijin kau kemarin?? (pake logat batak yang sumpah rada dipaksa dikit)
W:err..saya nonton pak, abis kalo ga nanti ga enak sama tmen saya
PMYTN:wah, kau ini, saya sepak kau balik ke.. err... *lupa sejenak* SINGAPURA!!
PMYTN: ............KENA DEH!!!!! aahahahahaha anda masuk acara kami "kena deh!" ahahahaha
W: ............sial kau (nyoba ngikutin logat tu bapak)

I doubt that would happen

anyhoo gw jga diajak nengok oma opa gw di Kudus di Jateng. trus diajak kliling tempat2 yang bagus buat di potret

gw dah di bliin kamera

BAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH <---kegirangan melewati tante girang

dikasih Canon EOS 500D yang sumpah, walau masih termasuk entry level, KEREN NYET!!!!

key features:
15,1 effective MP
Dig!c 4
CMOS sensor
blablablablabla lupa gw yg pnting kren dan enak di pake hahahahahaa

cuman gw lupa bli hoodnya

ah I miss blogging
dah skian lama ga ngetik2 ama ktawa ktiwi sendirian di kamar malem2 (ok, rada freak juga kbiasaan gw)
gw juga stuck maen Devil Summoner, jadi gw beralih ke Devil Survivor. kren gamenya, seru, cman kadang susah abiz ngbantai musuhnya. bayangin, kita lv 8 disuruh ngebantai bos lv 17 (ok, di SMT, ini BIASA! gap level antar player dan bos memang dipertanyakan)
tapi susah. alhasil gw berpindah lagi maen Star Ocean 3 di PS2. gila ni game dah lama banget, tapi masih seru aja dimaenin. gw ngulang dari awal, soalnya yg satunya dah hampir lawan bos trakhir tapi stngah mati maennya, ngwlawan musuh biasa aja bisa ampe 3 mnit battle skali ktmu (di RPG, apalagi ACTION RPG, sgini tuh krasa banget lamanya)
oh well. It's still fun. and there's cute girls, so I don't mind lol

baidewei tanggal 23 CA gw di 10F nikah di solo
I don't know HOW you're ever gonna find this, but CONGRATS!! may your life be happier and more prosperous than ever.
tanggal sgitu juga...err...
ada yg ultah

ok, now Im talking nonsense, urrrggghhh... I need to burn things again
